Corn oil

Corn oil

When corn oil is produced through extraction method, it’s light red. Cold pressed, corn oil is a light yellow liquid. On the other hand, cosmetic oil is extracted from the germs of corn and contains lots of valuable ingredients. Among them: vitamin E and linoleic, palmitic, stearic and oleic acids. Corn oil is a drying oil which means that it oxidizes and hardens when exposed to light or air.

Corn oil is usually used in cooking as salad dressing. Interestingly, it’s not suitable for frying as the temperature of smoking is 90°C. The oil is also used as a conditioning product in cosmetics. It works for every skin type as it nourishes, smooths, soothes and supports blood circulation in skin cells. Corn oil can also be used in every-day hair and scalp care. What benefits will it bring?

First of all, corn oil moisturizes hair and protects hair ends from splitting. It contains natural emolients which sourround the strands with moisturizing layer, providing them with protection from UV radiation and damaging factors of external environment. Secondly, corn oil improves microcirculation therefore strengthens hair bulbs and follicles giving them necessary nutritional ingredients. Thridly, corn oil has a positive influence on the scalp. It alleviates irritation, reduces dandruff and regulates work of sebaceous glands. Fourthly, corn oil can be used in form of a rinsing conditioner, a cosmetic for massage or you can add it to your shampoo. The performance of the product will be enhanced by other oils e.g. rosemary or tea tree oil. Fifthly, corn oil smooths hair, makes it shiny and strands become easier to style.

How to apply corn oil? It’s a good idea to heat it up before the application so that it absorbs in the hair and scalp more quickly. The amount of corn oil we use depends on the length and degree of damage of our hair. Apply the cosmetic to damp strands and rub it in the scalp. After more or less 30 miutes, wash the oil away with your favourite shampoo. Let hair dry off naturally – hair dryers and rubbing hair with a towel is not recommended. Note! Remember that corn oil may smudge your clothes. Take off your blouse or cover it with a towel before the application.