Coriander Oil

Coriander Oil

Have you noticed more and more hair on your brush or comb? When you run your fingers through your hair, do you already see some of them fallen out? Are there many left in the bath tub? Excessive hair loss is a common problem that many people, both women as well as men, have to deal with. It is mostly caused by an inappropriate care or too invasive hair treatments at the salon (such as dyeing, bleaching, hot straightener or curler, blow-drying with hot air). Additionally, hair always become weaker when taking different kinds of medicines and antibiotics. Disrupted hormone levels of the body is also responsible for strong hair loss. How to deal with this problem?

Before you decide to waste a huge amount of money for another miraculous shampoo or serum against hair loss, try to think of other methods. Firstly, try out this safe, free of chemicals and known for centuries, preparation.

Oil extracted from the seeds of coriander. Yes, exactly the same coriander which is commonly used as a seasoning in cooking.

How can it help with the fight against hair loss?

  • Coriander oil contains a wide range of substances enhancing proper functioning of the scalp. The most important ingredients are: unsaturated fatty acids, folic acid, beta-carotene.
  • Coriander oil also contains many minerals, such as potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. Their lack causes weakness and hair loss.
  • It abounds in important for hair restoration vitamins A, C and K. These are responsible for the strong, thick and healthy hair and nails as well as moisturised skin.
  • Essential oil of coriander stimulates hair growth and strengthens hair roots, which strongly adhere to the hair follicles.
  • Moreover, it prevents split ends.
  • Eliminates dandruff and other scalp problems such as seborrhoea and pruritus.
  • Coriander oil provides soothing and antibacterial effects.
  • Ensures a great look, strengthens and regenerates.

Coriander oil might be purchased in many places, such as healthy food shops, pharmacies or even good drugstores. Before the application, firstly, heat it up (for example in a bowl with warm, but not hot, water). Then, you only need to rub a few drops of the oil in your palms and apply to your hair and scalp. Do not forget about a gentle, few-minute massage with circular motion. The oil must be left on, from about thirty minutes to two hours, according to your preference. Then simply wash your hair with a gentle shampoo. Good luck!