How to treat your hair? Tricks, cosmetics and reliable methods

How to treat your hair? Tricks, cosmetics and reliable methods

Hair care. Seems like a pretty easy thing to do. However, many women still make the same mistakes and deal with the same problems over and over again. Improperly rubbing your hair in the towel, dull hair, no volume, damaged, split ends and poorly matched cosmetics. We can enumerate a lot more! Fortunately, there is a remedy for every problem you have to deal with. Just read the text carefully and learn how to properly take care of your hair and scalp.

Do you know that rubbing your hair in the towel can cause damage to your hair? The strands can be weaken especially when you use a rough towel or made from artificial materials. When rubbing it with a towel, you pull and break your hair. As a result, strands are tangled, matted and brushing them is impossible. To get rid of excess water, it is advisable to do it with a paper towel or cotton cloth. In order to make the hair care even easier, apply a few drops of natural oil. Thanks to this cosmetics, your hair will be smooth, moisturised and nourished.

Hair dyeing, styling using hot air, the rays of the sun and using strong cleansing products may cause loss of lustre. If your desire is to have beautiful colour and shiny hair, you can choose one of the two options. Firstly, apply cosmetics with high content of silicone or silk. Secondly, give up dyeing your hair and instead, invest in a proper care. Both ways will make wonders to your hair and scalp.

Hair without volume is an annoying problem many women can relate to. Fortunately, there are a few simple ways thanks to which, your hair will be unrecognisable. First and foremost, cosmetics. In all drugstores and most pharmacies you can find products that will help you fight with it. They contain special ingredients to lift your hair up and double its density. Secondly, drying. Bend and lower your head downwards and then blow-dry. This way, the volume of your hair will increase. Thirdly, combing. We are not talking about this so-called backcombing. This has been long gone out of fashion. You might easily use the same trick as when drying. Bend your head downwards and brush the hair, and your new hairstyle will gain volume.

Hair regeneration is a must! Solar radiation, low temperatures, sea salt water, the usage of unsuitable products and frequent styling can cause damage and weaken the condition of your hair. The question is, how to rebuild damaged hair? It is worth remembering to buy cosmetics with the content of natural ingredients and undergo regenerating treatments. These might not be as expensive as one may think. You might easily perform many of them at home. What is more, make sure to facilitate your diet with foods rich in vitamins and microelements. The key is to change your entire lifestyle. It is advisable to limit stressful situations as much as possible and invest in dietary supplements. Supporting your body from the inside is equally important as exterior care.

Correctly matched care products is also a very important matter. Before you go shopping, firstly, determine your hair porosity type. Secondly, specify what type of scalp you have. Do a research what cosmetic you will need and where to buy them. Take a closer look a the lists of ingredients of products that you intend to purchase. When choosing a shampoo, conditioners and masks, a trichologist or a dermatologist may be a huge help. It may be worthwhile to make an appointment with such specialists.